Primary Quad Mural Project

22nd Feb 2022

Guyra Central School’s Primary Quad Learning area continues to be a focus with six beautiful murals set to adorn the walls during 2022. Murals are being created by our students under the guidance of Ms Kay Smith, Artist-in-Residence and Guyra Central School Art Therapist.  
Late in Term 4, 2021; Kay Smith commenced the mural project with a workshop with stage 3 students. These workshops, during 2022 have expanded to include students from Stage 4.  During these workshops, students used their creativity to design images reflecting how they see Guyra and our community.  Kay has used parts of the students work to design each part of the murals and the first of six beautiful murals is just about complete. 
It is an exciting project, and Kay will continue to work with the students to create our amazing murals during the year.