Sport reports February 10, 2021
Men’s Bowls
Saturday February 5th saw three games of Open Singles played despite the weather. John McIlwain played Mallie Walls, Mallie was ahead 13 shots to 11 shots by end 14 and looked as though he would he could go on with his game but John had other ideas and strung together 4 ends of multiple shots and surged ahead and continued to apply the pressure and went onto win the game 31 shots to 17 shots over 28 ends. Col Stanley played Robert Moore: both players were determined to take a victory in this game as the scores proved. By end 14 there was only 1 shot the difference and that was in Roberts favour however Cols persistent draw shots paid off and he slowly surged ahead and finally took the win 31 shots to 21 shots over 33 ends. The third game was between Scott Campbell and Andrew Sparke and by the performance both players have exhibited in their recent games this all pointed to a close encounter and by the score card this is what was predicted. By end 20 the scores were even but Andrew kept his cool and gnawed away taking an advantage one he never relinquished and went on to take victory 31 shots to 23 shots over 30 ends.
Saturday February will see a Guyra Fours team travel to Armidale City to contest the Zone 3 Fours. The team is John McIlwain, Col Stanley, David Wilcox and John Jackson. Good Luck.
Club Championships set down for this weekend:
Saturday February 13th: Start: 1.00pm. Starter and Umpire: Andrew Sparke
Club Pairs: Dan Kennedy and Barry Walls to play Barry Presnell and Andrew Sparke: Steven Sole and Robert Walls to play Roger Cox and Partner.
Minor Singles: Barry Campbell to play Willy Jones marker Mick Rusden.
Following a Barbeque last Friday afternoon the No.4 Pennant teams were announced.
Round 1: Sunday February 28th. To be played at Guyra against Armidale Ex Services. Umpire: John Jackson: Manager: John Jackson.
Team 1: Steven Sole, Boyd Stanley, Robert Moore and Robert Walls
Team 2: John McIlwain, Michael Shiner, Scott Campbell and Roger Cox
Team 3: David Wilcox, Colin Stanley, Cameron Peardon and Andrew Sparke.
Reserves: Barry Walls, Paul Johnson, Wayne Reeves and Robert Goodchild.
Bowlers are advised to keep up to date on changes to teams by checking notice board. Round 2 will be played at Guyra on Saturday March 6th.
The Bowls Bandit
Ladies’ Golf
Last week the ladies played a Par Medal with Donna White winning on +2. Karen Oehlers was the runner up. Nearest the Pin Winners were Pip White on the 9th hole and Wendy George on the 18th hole.
This week the ladies are playing the 1st Graham Betts Round sponsored by Black Mountain Nursery. Next week is a Stroke and Putting competition along with 1st Golf NSW medal Round. Donna White is the starter.
Men’s Golf
Last Saturday the Country Fresh Bakery sponsored 1st round of the championships were played. The winner with a 69 nett was Peter Archibald runner up was Steve Wilson with 71 on a countback. Nearest to the pins were Len Stanley on the 7th with Michael Jackson taking the 10th and 18th.
On Sunday the Fourways 2nd round was completed with Brock Reeves coming out on top with 70 Nett on a countback from Peter Jackson. Nearest to the pins were Bob Constance on the 7th, Darrin Towells on the 10th and Tyson Burey on the 18th.
At the halfway mark the leader in A grade is Mick Purvis who has an 8 shot lead over Brock Reeves, with Adam Brennan a further 2 back. Peter Jackson has a 10 shot buffer over Steve Wilson and Scott Mendes in B grade. In C grade Beau Orchard has a 5 shot lead over Len Stanley and 7 shots on Pat Grills.
This all points to an exciting finish this weekend with the Guyra Smash Repairs 3rd round and the Kirks IGA final round, and to Guyra Fuels who is our overall champions sponsor. Without sponsorship this event would not be possible, congratulations to all sponsors over the four rounds.
The Albatross
Midweek Golf
Good scores all round for the Bean Golfin team this week. Not only did they get an extra 2 points but four players were over 20 points and the other two had scores in the high teens. Also 2 extra points to Sultans of Swing, Big Nuts and Pitch Purrfects.
Highest individual score this week went to Sheree Clarke with 25 points – well done. Then to Lisa Ellis on 24 points. Next on the list were Corby Kliendienst and Deb Heffernan with 22 points and with 21 points we have Leanne Burey and Vicki Reeves.
Great to see 46 players put their cards in this week.