PAWS Up Visit

16th Nov 2021

The students at Black Mountain School were visited by the BackTrack Paws Up team of dogs on Monday. Paws Up stands for Positivity and Wellbeing Skills when Under Pressure.
This program helps young people to develop skills and resilience. Back Track’s dogs encourage reading engagement and social participation to help children build resilience and improve their wellbeing.
The dogs sat with the students as they read their stories, providing a safe and non-judgemental companion, and creating a safe space for children to build their social and emotional confidence and resilience.
The children had the opportunity to participate in some basic dog training and build on their understanding and relationship with the dogs.
The students will have the opportunity to create stories and read these stories to the dogs when they return to the school in a couple of weeks’ time.
Mrs Justine Eddy
Relieving Principal

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