Q Fever vaccination clinics return

27th Oct 2020

The Guyra branch of the NSW Farmers Association and the Guyra Medical Centre are running another Q Fever vaccination Clinic. This is the third time they have teamed up to assist those most at risk from this disease which is prevalent in the area.
Q Fever disease is a significant cause of illness and indeed death in the broader community however people working with animals are especially at risk. Guyra is one of the hotspots in NSW for this illness with as much as 22 per cent of the population showing exposure to the disease. The disease can present as an acute flu like condition that is quite debilitating in itself, however some people contract a chronic form of it that can have a debilitating effect on the patient for months or even years.
The bacteria that causes the disease is found in most farm animals but is also present in cats, dogs and native animals such as kangaroos. The range of people at risk is growing, as we understand the extent of the disease. Green keepers and gardeners are at significant risk due to exposure from native animal dropping. Farmers, shearers, vets, vet nurses, abattoir workers and anyone handling the clothing of these workers are at an extreme risk of contracting Q fever.
The good news is that this disease can be prevented with a vaccination. The bad news is that each person has to be tested for possible exposure to the disease before you can be vaccinated.
Q Fever vaccination requires three visits to the doctors. The first visit is a blood test to ensure you haven’t had the disease, the second is a skin test which also tests to see if you have had the disease and the third visit is for the vaccination if negative to the previous testing.
The skin test on the second visit is a vial which when made up is active for 6 hours and there is enough for 150 patients. The cost of this vial is $45 so once activated it is best if as many people as possible use it. The Guyra Branch of NSW Farmers will sponsor the cost of this skin test as they feel it essential that as many people as possible be vaccinated to this debilitating disease.
If you are over 15 years of age and are at risk of contracting this illness you are encouraged to partake in this program. NSW Farmers will pay for the skin test regardless of whether you are a member or not. The patient will be required to pay $150 (gst inc.) for the vaccination if it is deemed necessary, as it is not available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This however may be tax deductible (check with your accountant).
NSW Farmers is encouraging all people at risk of contracting this illness to take up this offer and get vaccinated. This is a special Q Fever Clinic being run by Guyra Medical Centre and NSW farmers Guyra branch. You do not have to be a patient of the Guyra Medical Centre or a NSW Farmers member to partake in this program

Clinic dates:
Friday 20th November -
Blood screening,
Friday 27th November -
Skin Test
Friday 4th December -
Q Fever vaccination
If you are interested in being part of this vaccination program please contact Jenni Jackson 0403 080 536, before 13th November.