Guyra Lions Club President’s report

bove l to r: Zone President Lloyd Levingston, Lion Steve Mepham, outgoing President Jim Betts, Lion Paul Hinckley and incoming President Bob Furze
11th Jun 2024

It is with pleasure that I present my report of the Lions Club of Guyra. It has been a very busy year for the club and I wish to thank all members of the club, wives, partners and especially to the many volunteers that support the club throughout the year. Without these the club could not be able to support the organization and charities that we support.
I also welcome our newest member Steve Mepham and his wife Pam to the club. I wish to thank all businesses in the town that have sponsored us in various ways. These being Guyra IGA, Dasha’s Hardware, C.T.Electrics, Guyra Pharmacy, and Guyra Café.
The broader community have supported us in our fund raising ventures. Street Stalls, Kiosk at the show, and other ventures. Also the Guyra Progress Association assisted with allowing us to do BBQ at some of their functions.
Donations were presented to the following clubs and charities, Guyra VRA, Guyra War Memorial Hall, Ronald McDonald House Tamworth, Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service, Australian Lions Foundation, Lions Club International, Prostate Cancer Research, Childhood Cancer Research, Cord Blood Appeal, Careflight, and to Junior sporting bodies, Junior Rugby League, Junior Cricket, Junior Soccer and to Junior tennis, also to the local schools, donation for book prizes at their annual presentations.
The club held their senior citizens mystery outing again this year. Also we held the club judging of the Youth of the Year quest (local and 4 contestants competed)and also hosted the Regional final for our Region.
At the changeover on 5th June lion Bob Furze was installed as our President for the ensuing year.
I wish new President Bob and his board a successful year and thank Zone President Lloyd Levingston for performing the induction and to my chairman Wal Chapman for his duties on the night.
Jim Betts