St Mary’s is a special place to be

09th Feb 2021

What a pleasure it is to be back and working with such dedicated teachers, smiling children and caring and committed parents. St Mary of the Angels, is a special place to be! It is a community of love focused on supporting one another. It is a place of enriching and inspiring, a place of comfort and sharing, a place to proclaim, witness and serve.
This year we really want to build on our positive relationships with students. Staff have been working hard to consider how we can implement greater student voice and continue to be a positive environment for our children. We are committed this year to pushing our students to act upon our School Motto to ‘Strive Ever Higher’. We want students to push that little bit extra to reach their full potential; academically, physically, socially and emotionally. We are off to a great start this year and students have started to explore how daily greetings can positively impact on how someone feels valued, respected and cared for.
We look forward to sharing stories of this incredible journey of Catholic Education in 2021.
Sharon Wittig

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