Consultation brings teachers’ voices to the fore

Northern Tablelands DEL Chris Bice and principal Michelle Nicholson welcomed the roundtable team and participants to Guyra Central School
06th Dec 2022

As consultations go, they don’t come much bigger than this – 1200 passionate educators coming together in all 116 NSW school networks to discuss a ground-breaking plan to keep great teachers in the classroom.
Over the past month, principals and teachers across the State have had their say on the Rewarding Excellence in Teaching Policy Options Paper.
They asked questions and shared their valuable insights at a series of roundtable meetings while those unable to attend gave their feedback online, with more than 2,750 survey responses received from school staff and the community.
The Rewarding Excellence policy options paper outlines new career pathways for teachers with the aim of keeping them where ‘the magic happens’ - in the classroom.
Under the initiative, teachers assessed as “expert” could earn up to $147,000 a year in recognition of their skills in the classroom and their ability to share them with others.
Guyra Central School’s Head of Science and Mathematics (relieving), David Moffitt said identifying and rewarding excellence in classroom teaching was “a thorny but important issue”.
“The roundtable discussion was a valuable opportunity to reflect on the important issues impacting our work as teachers, to air concerns and hear the perspectives of colleagues,” Mr Moffitt said.
“A sense of reward is at the heart of teachers joining and remaining in the profession.”
Other options up for discussion included possible models for the new roles, including pay and conditions; how much release time could be dedicated to collaboration activities; how it would work for both schools and teachers; and implementation options based on extensive feedback received to date