ANZAC Day Services

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow, Between the crosses, row on row, ...
16th Apr 2024

Ben Lomond
OnAnzac Day Ttere will be a service and wreath laying at Ben Lomond War Memorial Hall at 9amfollowed by morning tea.
Dorothy EveryGuyra
On Thursday, 25 April, the Guyra RSL sub-Branch will hold the following services to commemorate ANZAC Day:
5.45am – Dawn Service, followed by a light breakfast at the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall.
9.00am – Service at the MPS
10.00am – Form up at Four Ways for the March
10.30am – March down Bradley Street
11.00am – Main Service at the Soldiers Memorial Hall
12.30pm – Lunch at the Bowling Club
Members of No.1 Squadron RAAF Base Amberley will attend our ANZAC Day services and a fly-past by No. 1 Squadron RAAF is scheduled for 11.00am. Members of the community are asked to be aware that this fly-past will be quite noisy.
The ANZAC Day Commemorative Address will be given by Major Adam White, who is currently serving in the Australian Army in Northern Command.
After the official wreath-laying, anyone wishing to lay a memorial tribute is invited to do so. There will be a ‘bucket brigade’ with VRA members circulating amongst the crowd during both the Dawn Service and the Main Service to raise much needed funds for the Guyra sub-Branch of the RSL so that the RSL can continue to support veterans and their families.
Lunch will be held at the Bowling Club at 12.30pm where everyone is welcome. Discount lunch vouchers for RSL members and veterans will be available after the main service at the Soldiers Memorial Hall.
The Guyra RSL sub-Branch encourages main street businesses to join in commemorating ANZAC Day by doing a window display of memorabilia.
Hans Hietbrink OAM
President, Guyra RSL

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