‘Why you need Indoor plants in your life’

09th Jun 2020

If you’re not the type to head out into the garden at this time of year, why not bring the outdoors in and create a plant paradise in your home. I have a room at home called ‘The Green House’ and it is filled to the brim with indoor plants. I work in this space and with greenery surrounding me, my spirits are always lifted.
Science has in fact proven that indoor plants boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity. They can reduce stress, fatigue, sore throats and colds. And when we get in touch with nature, we reduce our mental fatigue and stress, and relax more. Even brief exposure to nature has been shown to make us more altruistic and cooperative. And as far as the environment goes, indoor plants clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen.
We often associate indoor plants with coastal homes and tropical climates but I can assure you there’s an indoor plant for you!
And for those who think they have a brown, not green thumb, think again, it’s really just a matter of choosing the right plant, buying good quality potting mix, finding a well-lit space that’s not too bright and knowing how often to water.
So what to choose? If you’re new to indoor plants I’d steer clear of the Maidenhair Fern, it can be very temperamental, in fact I’d go as far as saying if you look at it the wrong way it may die!
Some of my favourites include: Boston Fern, an absolute winner, you cannot kill this one, it’s quick growing and has great foliage, Peace Lily, the most well-known of indoor plants, Birds Nest Fern, Philodendrons, the Golden Cane Palm, Devils Ivy for draping, Fiddle Leaf Fig and Zanzibar Gem. The latter two have stunning large dark green foliage, but be careful not to overwater, you can literally kill them with kindness.
Tips on keeping your plants alive:
• Water once a week with a deep watering. If the leaves are dropping or are floppy, or droopy, this is a strong indicator the plant needs hydration. Another good way to tell is to stick your finger into the soil and if the first few centimetres are dry, give it a good drink.
• Allow water to drain from pots and don’t let pots sit in water
• When plants get too big for their pot, re-plant into a bigger pot with new potting mix
• Prune dead leaves, keep leaves dust free
• Seasol regularly to provide the plant with nutrients
• Rotate the pot for even growth, as the plant will grow towards the light
If your pot plant is repelling water or it is pooling on the surface, then your soil may be hydrophobic, which means it has completely dried out and has no air left in the soil and your plant will slowly die. Don’t panic, just place your pot into a tub of water, immerse the entire pot, it will bubble for a while whilst the water soaks into the soil. Leave it for an hour or so and this will rehydrate the plant and then water with some seasol solution.
On the other end of the spectrum, signs of over watering include brown spots on leaves, yellowing of leaves, or a mushy stem. If your plants are showing these signs, stop watering straight away until the top of the plant dries out. Check your drainage holes are not blocked if water logging keeps occurring.
But that’s about all you need to know to have happy, healthy plants in your home. Not hard at all and that’s why you need indoor plants in your life!
You’ll find a great selection of them locally at The Black Mountain Nursery and The Woolly Lamb Café.
Until next time,
Happy Gardening!
The ‘Girl Who Gardens’