Neighbourhood Centre Information Day a success

GNC Manager Sarah Hunt and Committee Chairperson Madan Narayan
21st May 2024

Guyra Neighbourhood Centre (GNC) had a huge day on Tuesday May 14th, beginning the members meeting, and followed by the Guyra Community Information Day and Community Lunch.
The Community Garden was full of services providing information to local people and each other. They welcomed representatives from Armidale Regional Library, Carers NSW, Rural Adversity Mental Health Program, Gambleaware, Tamworth Family Support Services, Benevolent Society, St Vincent DePaul, Armidale Women’s Shelter and Uniting (NDIS).
All of these organisations can offer services in Guyra and many already use the GNC as their Guyra location for servicing their clients.
Guyra turned on a glorious autumn day, with the garden looking fabulous. Local community members were able to relax in the garden, mingle with service providers and find out how they may be able to assist them in Guyra.
Lunch was a finger food event with potato wedges, sausage rolls, individual flatbread quiches and sweet individual bread and butter puddings. Being a Tuesday, they catered for their usual Tuesday lunch as well as services providers and guests, with an estimated 40 – 50 people attending lunch.
This information day is becoming an annual event for GNC, usually in Autumn and any services are welcome to contact Sarah to be involved in 2025.
The GNC team of staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that everyone was welcomed, receiving many messages of thanks and positive feedback. GNC welcomes any enquiries from people wanting to be a member of the Centre.