Five names on the ballot paper

Polling places in Guyra area
11th Jun 2024

Five candidates will be on the ballot paper for the Northern Tablelands by election on June 22nd, seeking to replace retiring MP Adam Marshall.
Electoral officer Peter Dooley conducted the ballot draw on Friday June 7, with the following list of candidates in the order as they will appear on ballot papers:
1. Ben Smith (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers);
2.Dorothy Robinson (Greens);
3. Natasha Ledger (Independent);
4. Duncan Fischer (Independent), and
5. Brendan Moylan (Nationals).
Candidates are running on a range of issues, including New England’s Renewable Energy zone, the rail trail and to promote transparency in politics.
Independent candidates Duncan Fischer and Natasha Ledger are both based in Uralla.
Mr Fischer’s promotional material asserts that he advocates for a return to commonsense government, more doctors for the region and also highlights his opposition to the proposed New England Rail Trail.
Ms Ledger is running on a platform of long-term drought mitigation, developing a local and regional waste strategy and addressing long-term sustainability challenges.
Greens’ candidate Dorothy Robinson has listed health, education, social services, affordable housing, and a fair share of the benefits from hosting the Renewable Energy Zone as being among her priorities leading into the poll.
Moree Solicitor Brendan Moylan, who is standing for the Nationals, said if he were elected, he would “fight for every community large, small and remote across the electorate”.
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party candidate Ben Smith describes himself as a ‘dedicated outdoorsman’ who currently works in the forestry industry. He has listed fixing the Armidale to Kempsey Road as his number one priority.

Where to vote.
Pre Poll voting will be available from June 15th in Guyra as well as Inverell, Glen Innes, Armidale Uralla and Moree.
Pre poll voting will be open on Saturday June 15th (9am to 6pm), Monday June 17th to Thursday 20th (8.30am to 5.30pm), and Friday June 21st 8.30am to 6pm).
Guyra voting will take place at the Community Hall, (located in Dutton Parade adjacent to the Showground).
Postal vote applications close on Monday June 17th. Completed postal ballot papers must be received by the NSW Electoral Commission no later than 6pm Friday, July 5th.
Registered General Postal Voters will have their pack sent automatically to their nominated address and do not need to apply for a postal vote.
On election day, June 22nd, polling booths will be open at the Guyra Community Hall and at Black Mountain Public School. Opening hours are 8am to 6pm.
The method of voting in
Legislative Assembly elections is optional preferential. To cast a formal vote, the elector must place the number ‘1’ in the square next to their first choice candidate.
They have the option to show further preferences by placing the number ‘2’ in the square next to their second choice candidate, the number ‘3’ next to their third choice candidate and so on.
They may number as many or as few squares beyond their first choice candidate as they wish.