Honeybee Swarm Season begins

Campbell Wolfenden relocating a swarm from the Guyra Central School Farm last Friday.
24th Nov 2020

It is now honeybee swarm season in the Guyra area. Local amateur beekeeper Campbell Wolfenden said that swarming is a fundamental part of the natural reproductive life cycle of honeybees.
“Swarms emerge from their colonies on warm, sunny days however a sudden weather change does not interrupt the swarming urge once the process has been instigated,” he said. “When the time is due for the swarm to emerge, it will - regardless of the weather, even hail and cold winds won’t stop it.”
Campbell said that if a swarm of bees arrives on your property there is no need to panic and despite the thousands of bees buzzing around they are not on the attack.
“Consider yourself as fortunate being able to witness one of nature’s wonderful performances,” he said. “All the bees are doing is looking for a new home and stinging is usually not on their mind at all.”
If you see a swarm of honeybees settling on your property, here are some useful tips:
• Keep children and pets inside the house until the flying bees have clustered onto a bush or another object.
• After the swarm has
clustered and most of the bees have stopped flying, it is usually safe to be outside the house.
• Keep children and animals well away from the swarm
• Arrange to have the swarm removed by a beekeeper.
• Wear footwear to protect your feet in case bees have
settled or are crawling on the ground.
• Do not attempt to move the swarm by hosing it, throwing stones at it, smoking the bees or taking any action to make the swarm move.
• Do not spray the swarm with fly spray or any other pesticide.
Any interference with the swarm will only aggravate the bees and encourage them to sting in defence. Interfering with the swarm will make it more difficult for a beekeeper to deal with the bees.
You need to act quickly if you want to have a bee swarm removed by a beekeeper. You can contact Campbell Wolfenden on 0413 018 655 if you need a swarm removed.

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