10-year strategic approach to better manage water quality

12th Jul 2022

A new Catchment Water Quality Strategic Plan 2022 – 2032 guiding Armidale Regional Council and its stakeholders to better manage water quality entering streams and water reservoirs is now on public exhibition for community feedback.
The Catchment Water Quality Strategic Plan 2022 – 2032 has been developed in consultation with community members and stakeholders, to provide a roadmap to enhance water quality in reservoirs and river sources across the Armidale region, and address issues identified in water risk assessments conducted in 2019 and 2021.
The strategic plan includes a broad range of goals and priority projects to be implemented over the next 10 years to deliver healthier river systems and water catchments outcomes for the benefit of town water supplies.
Goals and initiatives outlined in the Catchment Water Quality Strategic Plan 2022 – 2032 include reducing erosion and pollution from industry, limiting stock access to waterways, minimise leakage from onsite effluent management infrastructure, creating awareness around appropriate fertiliser and agrichemical use, and promoting increased ground and tree cover.
The 10-year plan sets out a vision, goals and actions for Council and stakeholders to adopt a targeted approach and guide strategic improvements for better water quality in the Armidale Regional Local Government Area.
To view the draft Catchment Water Quality Strategic
Plan 2022 – 2032 and have your say visit council’s website
yoursay.armidale.nsw.gov.au or visit Council’s customer service areas to see it in hardcopy. Consultation closes 27 July 2022.