Learning new skills at Guyra Central

Lincoln Rowe testing his CPR skills
28th May 2024

Guyra Central School students received accolades from Royal Life Saving Australia for their exemplary conduct and active participation in the NSW CPR Program.
During this informative session, students dedicated an hour to mastering crucial CPR techniques, understanding their potential to save lives.
Cameron from Royal Lifesaving Australia commended the students for their high level of engagement and enthusiasm for learning.
He noted their attentive demeanour during the instructional phase and their proactive involvement in hands-on practice with Resusci Anne and Resusci Infant Annie.
Guyra Central School extended congratulations to Stage 3 for not only leaving a positive impression on the distinguished guest, but also for embodying the values of Pride, Respect, and Responsibility that represent the school. Stage 3’s commitment to acquiring this vital life skill is commendable.
Special thanks to Cameron from Royal Life Saving Australia for his presence and valuable contribution to the school’s CPR program.
Throughout 2024, primary students from Guyra Central School have diligently tended to gardens in the primary quad. They have consistently harvested fresh produce from the garden to prepare meals.
Students enjoy cooking frittatas and cookies to distribute among their peers. They take pride in their home grown produce and the delicious treats they create in the kitchen to share with others.

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